Annual Flora and Fauna Survey for Peak Iron Mines
COOE conducted annual Flora and Fauna surveys at the peculiar knob mine site.
COOE has undertaken annual flora compliance monitoring at Peculiar Knob since 2014, and in 2020 completed a methodology review and undertook the flora and fauna monitoring program for new owners, Peak Iron Mines. Survey sites were located at various points of operation, at the rail siding, along the haul road, and at the mine.
The flora survey collected information from seven control sites paired with seven impact sites. Data collected included species present, quadrat data, health and abundance, presence of weeds and observations of disturbance. Monitoring data was compared to baseline data and trends, and impact sites compared to paired control sites.
The fauna survey was undertaken over six days and included pitfall trapping, standardised bird surveys, spotlighting, active searching, opportunistic observation and targeted searches for the Vulnerable (EPBC Act) Thick-billed Grasswren and Rare (NPW Act) Chestnut-breasted Whiteface. Reptiles were plentiful and several species recorded were new for the site.
The project site was greener than it had been in many years thanks to the wet winter and our ecologists were delighted to witness and survey in such beautiful conditions.
For more information on COOE’s mining approvals and terrestrial ecology services click here.