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Quarry Expansion in North Queensland

Environmental Approvals for a Quarry Expansion in North Queensland

Environmental services for quarry expansion in North Queensland for RPS
COOE provided Project Management and Senior Ecologist services to RPS in 2020 to deliver on environmental approval assessments for a quarry expansion in Far North Queensland. Documents developed during the engagement included:

  • a Preliminary Planning and Environmental Assessment report to assist in planning approval,
  • a Site Based Management Plan, and
  • an Environmental Assessment Report to support an Environmental Authority application.

COOE also provided specialist ecological studies for the proposed expansion area, including: protected plant survey, Regional Ecosystem assessment, threatened flora and fauna habitat assessment, targeted searches for Southern Cassowary and Northern Quoll, microbat acoustic detection, review of existing rehabilitation areas and review of the site expansion Revegetation Management Plan.

For more information on COOE’s mining approval services click here.

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